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II. Obstacles description.

2.1. The following obstacles are used on the competitions:

2.1.1. Obstacles with contact zones:

— dogwalk;

— teeter-totter;

— A-Frame;

— table.

2.1.2. Obstacles without contact zones:

— hurdle;

— “viaduct”/”wall”;

— open tunnel;

— close tunnel;

— tire jump;

— long jump;

— weave poles.

2.1.3. Special obstacles which are used on the special courses.

2.2. Colour of the obstacles doesn’t matter. Way of colouring also doesn’t matter except obstacles with contact zones.

2.2.1. Obstacles with contact zones should be coloured with two different colours.

2.2.2. Two colours should contrast with each other to help to judge definitely if the dog has touched contact zone or not.

2.2.3. Colour of the obstacles should be bright and harmonious to make a holiday mood.

2.3. Contact zone obstacles.

2.3.1. Dogwalk. Min. height 120, max. 135 cm; min. width 30, max.40cm; length of ramps and horizontal bar min.360, max.420 cm. Ramps have diametrical slats (about 2 x 3,5 cm in section) on every 20-30 cm. Contact zone of dogwalk — 90 cm, it should be coloured in contrast colour (both upper and side parts). There should be no slat on the top of contact zone, first slat should be 10 cm lower from the top of contact zone.

2.3.2. Teeter-totter. This should be of the same width as dogwalk; length of the obstacle: min.360, max.425 cm; height of the central axis — about 1/6 of the obstacle’s length. Size and colouring of the contact zone is the same as that of the dogwalk.

2.3.3. A-Frame. It consists of two right-angled or trapezoid parts, which are about 900 to each other. Height of the top — about 170-190 cm. Min.width of ramps — 90 cm, it is possible to make them about 115 cm in the lowest part. There are slats about 2 x 3,5 cm in section on every 20-30 cm. Contact zone is coloured in contrast colour (should be coloured both upper and side parts), its size — 106 cm. There should be no slat on the top of contact zone, first slat should be 10 cm lower from the top of contact zone. The top of A-Frame should be safe for the dog.

2.3.4. Table. Minimum square of the table — 90 x 90 cm, maximum — 120 x 120 cm. It should be steady.

2.3.5. Surfaces of the contact zone obstacles should not be slippery. To minimize sliding are not used rubber matting or carpeting (except the table). The surface should not hurt dog’s pads.

2.3.6. Contact zone obstacles are not used in the jumping.

2.4. Non contact zone obstacles.

2.4.1. Hurdles. Simple hurdles. Hurdles consist of 2 poles (min.height 1 m). Between the poles there are different elements to jump over. Min.width of the hurdle — 1 m 20 cm. Elements between poles:

— horizontal bars;

— two crossed bars (“X”);

— shield without holes;

— shield with various holes;

— “brush”;

— other elements.

All hurdles except "brush” should have a horizontal easy displaceable bar, which falls if a dog touches it. Composite hurdles. They are composed of 2 simple hurdles, which stand one after another and create double hurdle. In this obstacle only hurdles with horizontal bars are used. The top bar of the second hurdle is 20-25 cm higher than that of the first. The second hurdle height is equal the hurdle height for this class. Distance between hurdles should not exceed the second hurdle height.

2.4.2. “Viaduct”/”wall”. It is a barrier 18-21 cm thick and no less than 1 m 20 cm wide. “Wall” has no holes, “viaduct” has one or two arch-shaped holes. There should be easy displaceable half-round elements on the top (they are included into the total height of the obstacle). On both sides of “viaduct”/”wall” there are two vertical posts 30 x 30 x 100 cm.

2.4.3. Open tunnel. Inner diameter — 60 cm, length — 360-600 cm. The tunnel should be flexible enough to make at least one turn.

2.4.4. Close tunnel. It’s a fabric chute about 240 cm long. The chute should be at least 60 cm in diameter. One side of a chute is attached to the rigid element, which allows the dog to get into the fabric chute. Length of rigid element — 90 cm, width — 60 cm, it has half-round top. The whole length — 350 cm.

2.4.5. Weave poles. Obstacle consists of vertical poles, round in section (10, 12 or 14 poles), erected on every 50-60 cm from each other. Min.height of poles — 100 cm, their tops should be safe for the dog and sportsman.

2.4.6. Tire jump. Consists of the framework and a tire (38-60 cm in diameter), which is attached to the framework with four tensile ties. It is forbidden to attach the tire to the framework fixed. The framework should be large enough to fix the tire in it on the height of 80 cm (from the ground to the centre of the tire) and the height of 40 cm from the ground. The obstacle should not fall when the dog jumps through it.

2.4.7. Long jump. Consists of 3-5 elements (number depends on class), which are situated across dog’s running on the same distance from each other. Length of the elements — 120 cm. The lowest is min.15 cm high, the highest is max.28 cm. Width of the top surface is about 15 cm, it has a small inclination. The zone of long jump is marked with four poles in the corners. Height of the poles is about 120 cm, their tops should be safe fore the dog and the sportsman.

2.5. Special obstacles. Their description should be in the competitions regulations for every competitions where are they used. Special obstacles should be safe for the dog and the sportsman and do not require special training.

2.6. Before start judge checks all obstacles himself, organizes their measuring and concludes if it is possible to use these obstacles in the competitions

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